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29 logements îlot V3A ZAC Seguin



  • Location: Boulogne-Billancourt, France
  • Date Completed: 12/23/2011
  • Architect: Bernard Bühler |
  • Photographer Credit: Bernard Bühler

Rather than settling for a bland and conventional apartment structure, architect Bernard Bühler set out to create a dynamic space. Vanceva color PVB interlayers for laminated glass provided the perfect solution.
Bühler wanted the building’s balconies to appear as weightless, colored frames floating on the facade, saying his aim was to produce a “superposition of colors” and a “mix of transparencies.” He achieved this using Vanceva.
Bühler used glass for its transparency, reflection and, most of all, for the unexpected beauty that results when shadow and light crosses the material. When combined with a wide variety of playful colors, the glass elements make this apartment building a dynamic and fun place to live.

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